Year 5 Trip to Kidzania June 2017
On the 13th June 2017, year 5 went to Kidzania for our school trip to help us with our topic ‘Microsociety’.
Quotes from children...
First I patiently queued for the Supermarket. Once I was inside, I was excited to work on the till! I had two jobs; one was working on the till and the other was shopping. I loved it because I got paid eight Kidzos. The lady was extremely nice and funny.
Next I went into the Capital FM Radio Station. That was my favourite one because it felt like I was live on the radio. When I was speaking, I felt like everyone was listening. I also loved the lanyard I got at the beginning. It said ‘Access All Areas.’
I enjoyed Kidzania and hope this trip carries on forever! I would love to go again.
Ruby (Tolkien)
At 8am we caught the coach to Kidzania. When we arrived we were given a security bracelet, hair net and 50 Kidzos.
At first, I changed the wheel on a car at the Pit Stop Lane. Afterwards I was a policeman then a firefighter. My favourite thing was the racing car.
Kidzania was fantastic and I would recommend it to everyone.
Edward (Horowitz)