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Thank you!
Some of the children have been busy creating a tribute to our wonderful NHS.
Year 5 World Book Day
On Thursday 5th March we celebrated World Book Day. We dressed up in pyjamas and brought our favourite books in to share with Nursery. In Year 5 we made Mr Twit’s “Wormy Spaghetti”. We cooked spaghetti, then chopped up onions, grated carrots, opened tins of tomatoes, chopped mushrooms, added a variety of herbs and cooked…
Roman Day Year 3
Year 3 Roman Day Tuesday 3rd March 2020 On Tuesday, Year 3 became Romans! They made Roman shields and used them in a mock training session outside as well as working collaboratively to make their very own mosaics. They learnt about the different types of foods the Romans ate and followed a set of instructions…
Croydon Swimming Gala heats, January 30th 2020
Brilliant news Croydon Swimming Gala heats took place today and for the first time ever Keston Primary School won for Best Girls, Best Boys and also Best Overall. Well Done to all the swimmers and staff and parental support. We look forward to including more information on the swimmers in our next newsletter.
Year 2 Fire of London Workshop part 2
To celebrate the end of our Great Fire of London topic year 2 had a fantastic visit from the fire service. The children had a great time going inside the fire engine and looking at the heat sensor camera. They all got to have a go spraying the hose which they all enjoyed! After the…
Family Woman Morning
On Family Women morning year 5 made a model of the solar system. They used lots of different art skills to create their masterpiece in small groups. They all took it in turns to do different parts of their model. The jobs involved: painting, colouring,cutting, gluing and drawing. All year groups enjoyed lots of fun…
Year 2 Great Fire of London Workshop
On Monday 20th January, year 2 enjoyed The Great Fire of London workshop. They have been really busy learning about this topic this half term and really felt it come to life. They learned all about how the fire started and why it spread so quickly. They also learnt lots about Samuel Pepys and why…
Year 6 Cooking
Here are Year 6 making traditional mince pies for their class party in our technology room. They really enjoyed rolling out the pastry and adding all the fruits in.
Year 1
Children from Year 1 went to David Wilson Homes at Cane Hill to help decorate their tree. They had an exciting time presenting the Christmas tree baubles they had decorated.
School Council Present Collection.
This initiative,run by the School Council, produced another great response – the toys were donated to the Purley Food Hub for distribution to local families. They were very grateful for all of your donations.