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Celebrating Differences Week
11th–15th November During this week at Keston we spent time thinking about what makes each one of us special. Throughout the week, pupils were engaged in a range of activities. These included wearing odd socks to school, singing ‘The Odd Sock Song’, cooking and tasting food from different cultures and creating a colourful ‘odd sock’…
Year 6
Year Six are learning about Macbeth. In these pictures, they are acting out some of the famous scenes in the play in preparation for writing a play script.
Year 1 trip to Leeds Castle
To enhance our current topic, year 1 went on a trip to Leeds Castle in Kent. We had a wonderful day taking part in a traditional tale workshop, where everyone was able to dress up and get involved. Because we were so lucky with the weather we were able to eat our lunch outside and…
Year 5 Maths Challenge
On Tuesday 12 November 2019, four children from Year 5 attended a Maths Challenge competition. It was hosted by Old Palace School in Croydon. There were 8 teams participating and they had to complete various maths challenges throughout the afternoon. Keston ran out overall winners. Well done Keston.
Remembrance Sunday Service
Thank you for kindly representing the school and laying our wreath at the Remembrance Sunday Service at St John’s Church this year.
Family Man Morning 2019
Friday 8th November saw our 11th Family Man Day. 65 men attended and spent time in a variety of lessons with their children. The experience was valuable and enjoyed by all. “All the lessons were very interesting and enjoyable. Thank you for a good morning.” “It was great to see the children learn and to…
Year 5 Greek Day
On Tuesday 5 November 2019, Year 5 celebrated their topic of Ancient Greece by holding a Greek Day. The children dressed up and made their own version of a Greek pastry (puff pastry, feta, tomatoes and spinach). They also designed and made face masks and jewellery. In the afternoon they took part in a workshop.…
Nursery Sports Day 2019
On Friday 12th July, we had our fantastic Family Sports Day! The children (and the adults) had great fun completing a carousel of activities including: football, hobby horse jumping, parachute games, golf, tennis, sack race, egg and spoon race, hockey… AND MORE! At the end of the morning, everyone took part in a running race,…
Tolkien – Poems
Tolkien watched John Agard perform a couple of his poems and took notes on how he engaged the listener. We then used the same techniques with our performance of ‘The Rainmaker Danced.’ We changed the volume, pace and tone of our voices as well as adding expression and movement!
Reception Walk to Tesco
This week Reception have been learning all about vegetables. We began the week by reading ‘Growing Vegetable Soup’ by Louis Elhert and having a vegetable tasting session. We then voted for our favourite flavours and wrote shopping lists. On Wednesday, we walked all the way to and from Tesco in Caterham to purchase our vegetables. Finally we used our ingredients…