Latest News
Winners Year 5 Maths Challenge
On Tuesday 6th November four children from Year 5 attended a Maths Challenge Competition at Old Palace School in Croydon. They had to complete 10 challenges which included tangrams, word problems and shape. They competed against lots of other schools and came first.
Nursery Autumn Walk
On Friday 19th October, the Nursery children and their families went for a sunny autumn walk through Farthing Downs woods. The children (an the adults) had great fun collecting leaves, hunting for bugs, and looking for other signs of autumn. Thank you to all who came and took part in such an enjoyable morning.
Year 5 Greek Day
Year 5 really enjoyed our ‘Ancient Greek day’ to celebrate the beginning of our new Explore and Discover topic. We made golden greek jewellery, designed our own theatrical masks and even met a cyclops.
Year 4 Bake Off
Year 4 had the honour of being the first year group to test out the new Food Technology room. We decided to use our school resources and pick apples from the orchard and make healthy apple desserts. Half of year 4 peeled, chopped and stewed the apples while the other half made a crumble topping…
Macmillan Coffee Morning
On Friday 28th September, Year 6 hosted a Macmillan coffee morning. The children organised the donations of cakes, the setting up of the hall and running of two games. The winner of the ‘Cherry on the Gateaux’ was Sarah Farooki and the winner of ‘You’re on a Roll’ was Jane Warden, congratulations to both winners. …
Keston Kilometre track
Our Keston Kilometre track is ready to use and the children will all be using the track from September 17th 2018.
New Infant Library
We are very please that our new infant library is up and running and Mrs Fairhall and the children have been enjoying the new space in lessons this week.
Summer BBQ 2018
Lots of fun had by the whole school on our annual school BBQ. Thanks to the lovely weather we were able to be on our field enjoying a picnic and BBQ.
Year 3 reptile visitor
On Wednesday 20th June, Year 3 had some reptile visitors. We learned a lot about all sorts of different reptiles and we even got to hold some of them including a 12.5ft python!
Year 1 Rain forest reptile visit
On Wednesday 20th June the children had the opportunity to meet, interact and build on their knowledge of animals that live in the rain forest; including snakes, a tortoise, a lizard and a crocodile. We had a fantastic time learning about the different animals found in the rain forest and even had a chance to…