Latest News
Year 6 Maths Investigation Week
Year 6 have been enjoying a week of maths investigations. We have used all of Keston Primary School’s learning skills. We are investigating the area of a square/triangle. We have also been testing our skills on concentration, resilience and perseverance whilst using the Japanese art of paper folding – origami.
Reception trip to Tilgate Park & Nature Centre
On Thursday 17th May, reception went on a school visit to Tilgate Park and Nature Centre. We had a fantastic day exploring the different nimals at the centre and even got to handle some of the creepy crawly animals like snakes, cockroaches and African land snails! We had the best time and our teachers said…
Year 2 DT project on Healthy Eating
Year 2 have been tasting and evaluating sandwich fillings and breads as part of their Healthy Eating topic. They will be making sandwiches soon.
Sponsored Bunny Run April 2018
For more information on the assembly held with news and information from the sponsored fun run, you can click here.
Reception Wonderful Writing Workshop
Thank you to all those parents who attended the Reception Writing Workshop. For those that were unable to make it you can view the power point presentation here. Click here for the power point presentation
Keston swimming team girls Croydon Swimming gala finals
Well done to the Keston swim team for the first time were the overall girls trophy winners in the Croydon Primary Swimming finals. The girls also won the medley relay shield and the freestyle relay cup.
Junior Travel Ambassadors
Junior Travel Ambassadors We have a new team of Junior Travel Ambassador (JTA’s). Many thanks to the outgoing JTA’s who helped with recording active journeys to school. What is a JTA? JTA’s help us to promote safe and sustainable travel to and from school. Keston Primary School have subscribed to Living Streets WOW scheme. WOW…
World Book Day 2018
We celebrated World book day on 9th March 2018 – a week later than planned due to the snow! I think you’ll agree that the children looked amazing and all entered into the spirit of the day with great enthusiasm.
Year 6 Globe Theatre trip
On the 31st January 2018 Year 6 pupils went on a trip to the Globe Theatre in London. The children got the opportunity to learn more about the history of The Globe, say a line from Macbeth on the stage and they also took part in a workshop which used drama to investigate who they…
Year 1 Leeds Castle trip
Year 1 trip to Leeds Castle On Tuesday, Year 1 visited Leeds Castle as part of their current topic. They took part in a fantastic workshop where they dressed up and acted out the story of the Swan Princess. They had a fascinating tour of the castle and asked some excellent questions. The children thoroughly…