Attainment & Progress

How well do children progress and achieve at Keston Primary School?

At Keston we believe pupils should make good progress in learning every lesson, every day, every week, every term and every year. We know that when pupils make steady and even progress they are more likely to continue making good progress at secondary school and beyond.

Additionally we also believe that the process of collecting data is not an outcome of a process but the beginning of many processes. It is what is done with the data that really matters.

Pupil achievement is judged in two ways:

  1. Attainment - this refers to whether a pupil is working 'at the expected level' or 'working at greater depth'.
  2. Progress - this refers to how well pupils have progressed in their learning from their own starting points.

Please see below for 'Attainment and Progress' data for recent years.

Further school performance data can be found by clicking the 'Compare School Performance' button below.
