Ofsted Report
Keston remains a 'Good' School.
Keston's most recent Ofsted inspection took place in February 2023. This was an ‘ungraded’ Ofsted inspection which meant that we could not change the overall inspection grading.
The two-day inspection included observing lessons, talking to staff, pupils, parents and governors as well as looking at planning, pupils’ books, the parents’ survey and other documentation. The inspector then made judgments stating what the school is doing well and any areas the school should focus on to make Keston even better.
Some of the things we are particularly proud of include:
‘Leaders have high expectations for all pupils. Teachers encourage pupils to work hard and do their best, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.’
‘Teachers support pupils in developing confidence in expressing themselves and their personalities. Staff nurture pupils and keep them safe.’
‘Pupils behave well. They are polite and courteous.’
‘Pupils are highly motivated and engaged in learning.’
‘The curriculum is ambitious.’
‘Leaders have developed a well-considered curriculum that supports pupils’ personal development.’
‘Robust arrangements are in place to keep pupils safe.’
‘Pupils are taught to challenge stereotypes and discrimination.’
‘Staff are proud to work here.’
The short report and previous Ofsted reports may be viewed and downloaded directly from the Ofsted site:
Parents can also visit the Ofsted Parent View website by visiting the link below: