Wellbeing Curriculum
We believe that Wellbeing Education enables children to become healthier, more independent and more responsible members of society. We encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community. In doing so, we help to develop their sense of self-worth. We ensure that the children experience the process of democracy through participation in a range of activities. We teach children about their rights and about their responsibilities. They learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse and multi-cultural society. Indeed, the teaching of Wellbeing helps in many ways to meet the objectives set out in the Children’s Act 2004 (Every Child Matters) – ‘that to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution, and achieve economic well-being’. At Keston we strive to develop the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all pupils for the opportunities and responsibilities of life.
This Wellbeing Curriculum also incorporates all statutory aspects of Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education as introduced from September 2020. LINK
Please click here for:
Keston Primary School Wellbeing Policy
Whole School Wellbeing Themes -Termly Overview
Wellbeing Newletter to Parents July 2020
Wellbeing in Reception and Nursery is taught through the Early Years Curriculum. Details of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum can be found on the DfE website (click here to access details) .
British Values
Our school reflects British values in all that we do. We nurture our pupils on their journey through life so they grow in to caring, responsible and tolerant adults who make a positive difference to British society and to the wider world. We encourage them to be creative, unique, open-minded and independent individuals, respectful of themselves and others in our school, our local community and beyond.
Pupils are encouraged to debate topics of interest, express their views and make a meaningful contribution to the running of the school. They are able to do this in a number of ways e.g. curriculum planning, school council, PSHE lessons, questionnaires and surveys and assemblies.
Rule of Law
We have a clear positive behaviour policy which helps pupils to make good choices about their behaviour. Each class agrees class rules together at the beginning of the school year. Pupils are helped to distinguish right from wrong, in the classroom, during assemblies and in the playground. Pupils are encouraged to respect the law and at Keston we enjoy visits from services such as the Police, Fire and Ambulance services to help reinforce the message.
Individual Liberty
At school, pupils are encouraged, and given the freedom to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment, e.g. challenging themselves in their learning. They are supported to develop self-knowledge, self-confidence and a growth mind set in all areas of school life. Pupils are taught to understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms in a safe way for example in PSHE lessons. They have key responsibilities in school like being a school councillor, class prefect or a monitor.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Respect is part of our school motto. Pupils understand that respect is shown to everyone, both adults and children. We help them to develop an understanding of, and respect for, their own and other cultures. Staff and pupils are encouraged to challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour. Links with local faith communities and visits to places of worship is promoted and people from different faiths are invited to school to share their experiences in assemblies and in class. Through the PSHE and RE curriculum pupils are encouraged to discuss and respect differences and similarities between people. We offer a culturally rich and diverse curriculum in which all major religions are studied.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC)
At Keston Primary School we recognise that a child’s personal development plays and important role in their ability to learn and achieve. As such, we aim to provide opportunities that enable children to explore and develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally (SMSC).
Spiritual Development
Spiritual development is concerned with the exploration and development of feelings and emotions; personality, individuality and uniqueness; and knowledge and understanding of their own and different beliefs and cultures.
As a school we aim to provide learning opportunities that will enable pupils to:
- Sustain their self-esteem in their learning experience.
- Develop their capacity for critical and independent thought.
- Foster their emotional life and express their feelings.
- Experience moments of stillness and reflection.
- Discuss their beliefs, feelings, values and responses to personal experiences.
- Form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships.
- Reflect on, consider and celebrate the wonders and mysteries of life.
Moral development
Moral development relates particularly to developing knowledge and understanding of right and wrong. Pupils learn to make choices in their behaviour through developing knowledge of boundaries and understanding of consequences. They learn by example and by practise this in all areas of their learning through role-play, story and group activities.
As a school we aim to provide learning opportunities that will enable pupils to:
- Recognise the unique value of each individual.
- Listen and respond appropriately to the views of others.
- Gain the confidence to cope with setbacks and learn from mistakes.
- Take initiative and act responsibly with consideration for others.
- Distinguish between right and wrong.
- Show respect for the environment.
- Take action for justice.
- Make informed and independent judgments.
Social Development
Social development relates to the development of knowledge and understanding and the acquisition of skills in relating to others. This begins with family and friends and extends to the wider community beyond. Pupils are taught as part of our school ethos to respect each other and to appreciate each other’s similarities and differences. An awareness and understanding of, and respect for, the environments in which they live is also developed.
As a school we aim to promote opportunities that will enable pupils to:
- Develop an understanding of their individual and group identity.
- Learn about service in the school and wider community.
- Develop an ‘I can do’ philosophy.
- Develop their out of school hours learning.
Cultural Development
Cultural development is concerned with encountering the defining aspects of different cultures. Explorations of values, beliefs, customs, foods, artefacts and stories allow the pupils to make comparisons and develop knowledge of lifestyles and choices of others.
As a school we aim to promote opportunities that will enable pupils to:
- Recognise the value and richness of cultural diversity in Britain, and how these influence individuals and society.
- Develop an understanding of their social and cultural environment.
- Develop an understanding of Britain's local, national, European, Commonwealth and global dimensions.
- Learn an additional language in KS2 (to raise pupil aspirations and promote internationalism)
Where you can find SMSC in Keston Primary School:
- The curriculum as a whole
- The Religious Education Curriculum
- The Wellbeing Curriculum
- Circle Time
- Assemblies
- Behaviour policy
- Structured and personalised reward systems
- Extra-curricular activities
- Educational visits
- Pupil Voice (Student Council)
- Special days (fundraising, International week etc.)