
Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:   

Jenni Stevens - Assistant Headteacher and Inclusion Leader
Helen Green - Headteacher

Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

Tara Eason - Deputy Headteacher

Kelly Storey - Assistant Headteacher

Our Safeguarding Leads are: 

Georgia Clarkson - Class Teacher

Kevin Hardcastle - Governor

If you have a safeguarding concern please email:

What is safeguarding?

Keston Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. The safeguarding team not only aims to deal effectively with every concern raised, but also plans for and implements strategies to safeguard all those individuals who form part of our school community.

We have six main ways to ensure your child is safe in school:

- Ensuring we practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children;

- Ensuring we practice safe recruitment for after school clubs, including volunteers and outside agencies;

- Raising awareness of child protection issues and equipping children with the skills needed to keep them safe, including e-safety;

- Developing and then implementing procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse;

- Supporting pupils who have been abused in accordance with his/her agreed child protection plan;

- Establishing a safe environment in which children can learn and develop. Ensuring that all necessary risks are considered and steps taken to minimise them when planning any out of school activities and visits.


What to do if you are worried about a child

1) If you feel that a child is in immediate danger, call 999 and report your concerns to the police.

2) Ring 101 if you feel the police need to be made aware of any concerns regarding a child.

3) If you have concerns about a child's safety and wellbeing, you can use the online form to tell the NSPCC helpline. One of their advisors will read it within 24 hours and decide what action needs to be taken.
You can contact the Helpline anonymously if you do not want to tell them who you are. However, it's really helpful to have your name and contact details, as they may need to contact you for more information in order to protect the child or children that you are concerned about.

Phone: 0808 800 5000

Online form:

4) Contact Child Line to speak about your concerns regarding the child.
Phone: 0800 1111

1:1 Confidential Counsellor Chat:

5) Please speak to one of the safeguarding team members in your school and report your concerns.